Hi! I teacher kindergarten at Snow Elementary, and I am sharing my experience using Daily 5 with my class. This is my second year using D5. I hope my experience is helpful to others! I may not be able to address every question, but please feel free to use the comment section to discuss Daily 5. For more on D5 directly from the authors, visit Daily 5 at the Daily CAFE.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Teachers Pay Teachers

I wanted to share a resource that helps me with Daily 5 and much more in my classroom.
How often have you made something for your classroom that you KNOW other teachers would use?  Do you hate "reinventing the wheel" and recreating good ideas you have seen?  Teachers Pay Teachers is a website that allows teachers to sell their self-made classroom materials.  This includes worksheets, Powerpoint presentations, printables, bulletin board materials and much, much more.

Of course, I don't know many teachers who want to pay a lot for their classroom materials!  The great thing about TPT is that every seller must post as least one FREE item.  It's free to join, free to download and free to use most of the materials.  You can also earn points by giving feedback and by making purchases to buy more items.

A few examples of things I am using this year (both paid and free):
Some great FREE Daily 5 Resources:
There is too much to show here, but hopefully you find some good resources for all areas of your classroom.  

And if you're a do-it-yourself type (like me!), you can become a seller with just a few steps to help fund your purchases.

Beware - you can spend hours looking through this stuff!

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