Hi! I teacher kindergarten at Snow Elementary, and I am sharing my experience using Daily 5 with my class. This is my second year using D5. I hope my experience is helpful to others! I may not be able to address every question, but please feel free to use the comment section to discuss Daily 5. For more on D5 directly from the authors, visit Daily 5 at the Daily CAFE.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Once my students were able to sustain 3 minutes of reading, I felt they needed the boost of choosing their own books.  Since they are only beginning kindergarten, most are not “reading” – they are looking at pictures and inventing stories, maybe identifiying a few letters or sight words, but not reading the full text.  A choice of their own book for their book box was a good incentive to hit that 3 minute mark, too!

I introduced the IPICK chart quickly.  Again, they are choosing books for pictures and interest, but not for reading level.  I focused on “I choose a book” and “Interest”, encouraging the students to choose books with pictures and ideas they thought were interesting.  I plan to come back to this later as they begin to actually read words and look for books that are a good fit.

Then they got to choose one book from my classroom library.  It is divided into fiction and nonfiction, and in labeled bins.  It will take them a while to learn to put them away, but for now, they can find topics they are interested in or books similar to what I might share in class.  I made sure that some of the stories I have read aloud were included so that they could have the opportunity to revisit and retell a story they had heard.
Non-fiction, divided by topics; big books haven't been used yet, but will eventually be available.  The little bins on top will eventually have a small selection of DRA-leveled books.

Fiction - mainly by author or series.  I also have a bin I call "Buddy Books" - doubles that I will let them use for Read to Someone.
A few days later, and we are going strong.  We are up to 6 minutes of sustained reading.  They know the Read to Self expectations very clearly, and love to see our Stamina Graph go higher and higher.  On Friday, I will let them trade in their current books for new choices to keep in their book boxes for the next week.

I set another incentive for them: when we get to 8 minutes, we will add a new way to read (hopefully next week). 

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