Hi! I teacher kindergarten at Snow Elementary, and I am sharing my experience using Daily 5 with my class. This is my second year using D5. I hope my experience is helpful to others! I may not be able to address every question, but please feel free to use the comment section to discuss Daily 5. For more on D5 directly from the authors, visit Daily 5 at the Daily CAFE.

Friday, August 30, 2013


Welcome to my Daily 5 blog.  A few notes:
  • My goal is to post once a week.  Maybe twice, depending on how the week goes.
  • I am looking at Daily 5 from a kindergarten perspective - some of my experience won't translate to older students.
  • I try very hard not to reinvent the wheel - I "borrow" most of the ideas I use in class.  The blog roll on the right has most of the blogs I regularly follow.
This is my 5th year teaching kindergarten. My class has 25 students (today!), 14 girls and 11 boys.  About 50% are English Language Learners (ELL), and a significant portion are from low-income families.   Most have had some preschool experience (ranging from 2 years of private preschool to 6 months of Jr. K to 18 days of kinder "bootcamp" in the summer, which I taught).  In this first week, I have learned that they are wiggly, noisy, like to dance and read "Pete the Cat".

My next post will cover how we managed introducing Read to Self in the first week of kindergarten!